Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Clue #4 Is Finished...I Wonder What's Next?

Before I get to reveal clue #4,  I have to share a little something.  Recently, my sister and I were having a conversation about my new obsession with crocheting and got onto the topic of Shrinks.  What is a Shrink??  Well let me just say that any kid growing up in the fab 70' would probably be able to tell you.  It was basically a crocheted tank top, made with a giant granny square, back and front and two shoulder straps, also crocheted.  Well we laughed and laughed because we both had one of these iconic tops back in the day.

Well, imagine the thrill when I came across this little gem...

As Jimmy J.J.Walker would have said..."Dy-no-myte!!"

Awesome!!   This made me think that I was pretty sure, almost positive in fact, that I still had my little Shrink kicking around somewhere...

And, without further ado, Ladies and Gentlemen,  I present...

The Shrink!

Now why I still have this after for 'er a few years?  Well that's a whole other topic for discussion ...and I reserve those for my therapist.  If indeed I ever have one.

Perhaps I kept it on the premise that one day if I became famous, I could donate it to the Smithsonian.  I always envisioned it somewhere between Fonzie's leather jacket and Archie Bunker's chair. 


 Well back to the Crochet-Along!!
Finished clue #4.  So cute!!  This has definitely been my favourite.  Back to smaller squares, and we learned how to do a popcorn stitch.

It creates these neat little bumps in the fabric, creating form and texture.  A tactile fiend like me, I love it.  I can't stop touching it.  I know.  What a wierdo.

So now I shall head on over to the Bernat site and check out clue #5.  I wish you a wonderful day and happy crocheting!

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