Wednesday, 22 February 2012

At Last!! The Yarn is Here! ...and less than 24 hours until the next clue! **Spoiler - Photo of clue #1 ahead**

I was excited to arrive home yesterday to find that my yarn had arrived!!  Less than 24 hours before the next clue is due to be released, so I figured I best get cracking!!


So far it seems to be going well.  I was a little concerned with the fact that they seem to be a little looser looking than some of the other participants squares, compared with pictures they have posted.  But, I've printed off the blocking template, measured up and voila! the right size.  Very happy.   It's been soooo hard not to take a  peek at the Bernat site to see what the next clue is, but I promised myself I wouldn't until the first clue was completed.

Oops! One appears to be a little camera shy.  

Fini!  Phew...I wonder if it's possible to contract 'crocheter's elbow'?  Well, now that all 12 are complete, I can head on over to the site and check out the new clue.

I guess it's not all together true to say "fini" as I have not yet blocked them.  Blocking, I've learnt, is a process in which you apply a dampened towel or steam to the pieces after pinning them to the correct size template.  This ensures that they are of uniform size and lie flat in order to make the process of joining easier later on.  I'm not sure how I'm going to do this just yet...once I do I may do a photo tutorial. 

Be back tomorrow with an update on clue #2...

Friday, 17 February 2012

The REAL nemesis in my midst is...

                                                                        This guy.

Public crochet enemy #1

That's right.  I mentioned in my last post about my nemesis being the "dreaded granny square".  I was wrong.  My true nemesis lies in wait.  Suddenly to appear out of nowhere all teeth, tail and a little hairy hurricane he rises up, plunders and devastates and then disappears in a tangled, gnarled web of crocheted confusion and desecration.

Apparently, my clues will have to be made in secret.  Or at least when said hairy hurricane is having his nap.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

One horse left at the gate....

Hooray!  Today marks the beginning of the Bernat Mystery Afghan Crochet-Along and they're off!!  Except for yours truly.  Unfortunately my yarn has not yet arrived. anti-climactic.  But that's ok, for I will not be left in the dust! 

It just so happened that during one of my trips to the store to look for my chosen colours of yarn, a few extra balls in another colour scheme happened to make their way into my shopping bag.  Osmosis, I suspect.  So I have decided that I will use this time to practise the clue.  It's the same yarn, so by the time mine arrives I should be able to have worked all the kinks out, and get caught up to all the other participants. 

**SPOILER ALERT** The following link includes a 2nd page that shows the design of the motif.  Just check out pg 1 for the clue only!!

Clue one has us working in the round.  Hmmm...just like those dreaded granny squares.  Grannies have proved to be my nemesis thus far.  And gack!  we need to make 12 of them.

Well I better get practising.   I'll update when I finally get my yarn.  I'll be including photos of my progress, but I'll be sure to mention any spoilers at the top of the page-I don't want to spoil the 'mystery' in the Mystery Afghan!!. 

**Gadzooks**  Apparently, I'm already in the dust!  I was just checking and some people on the forum (Bernat's forum where people can discuss the Crochet-Along) have already finished this week's clue.  Whaaat???  Wow, kudos to those crocheting wizards!   Well this newbie will most likely need the whole week to finish in time for next Wednesday's clue!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

So many little time.

So, now that I had chosen to join the Crochet-Along, I had to face the daunting task of colour choice.  ~Sigh~

But you know what?  It was easy.  For one thing, the Simplicity line of Waverly for Bernat was made for me.  Watery blues, greens, neutrals and whites?  Love love love.  My front room is made up of these colours and since that's where this (hopefully) lovely creation will reside,  it was done.  Simple.


After searching to source the yarn locally, I found that not all colours were available.  In the end, I have ordered them directly from the website.  I've left it a little late, but got a update that they were shipped out yesterday.  Of course anyone who awaits shipments from the States to Canada knows that isn't a guarantee of anything.  Post here can take it's time.  But I'm hoping that it'll arrive in time to complete the first clue.  If not, I guess I'll just have to catch up.

Choice of course isn't limited to just this yarn.  Some people have come up with some really beautiful combos outside of the Waverly line.  I just decided that I was going to be challenged enough, without worrying whether or not my choices were going to work with the ultimate design.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

A Newbie Crocheter - big dreams, not so big skills...

From across the store I saw it.  The most exquisite bed throw I'd ever laid eyes upon.  It was done in a beautiful charcoal grey and deep violet - a combination of crochet work and fabric that was simply gorgeous.  I simply had to have it.

That is until I saw the price tag.  This masterpiece of craftsmanship was `gulp` $475.99.    Now considering the fact that this was not a coverlet, but simply an adornment to beautify the bottom of your bed was humbling enough.  But when I realised that the price was for the Twin size, well enough said.  I left the store, saddened but not deterred.

"I could make something like that", I thought to myself later over a cup of tea.  I can knit, at least your basic knit and purl.  Heck I even knitted a blanket a few years back that my cats happen to think is rather fine indeed.  Even if they have modified it in a few places.

So I bought a book, a hook, some yarn and went to town.  After practising some basic stitches, I tried a few of the projects in the book and made the typical beginner projects:  felted bag, felted hook case and cowl.

So now I'm hooked.  I was eager to try a bigger and more ambitious project and came across this:

2012 Waverly for Bernat Crochet-Along and Knit-Along


I was intrigued!  Each week, on the Bernat website, a clue will be given for a piece of the afghan.  You'll then have the week to work up the required number of pieces.  They will have tutorials on how to perform the stitches, and Bernat's forum has a fabulously supportive community that allows you to upload photo's, get help or advise on not just this project, but all your knitting and crochet projects. 

The actual design is a mystery, so although you'll choose colours, either on your own or with the help of the Bernat's design team's Colour Tutorial , you will only discover what the project looks like upon completion!  Super Cool!
Over the next weeks, I'll be sharing my progress.  All the failures, joys, tears and triumphs.  I'm a little nervous, but heck, sometimes you just gotta jump in head first.  I'd love for you to share my journey!

In fact, why not check it's not too late to join in the fun.  See the above links for details.  Next time I'll post a couple of pics of colour choices as well as a couple of my completed projects.